its Good to see a real rapper now days that's not about spending money buying stupid useless jewelry,and concentrating on making good quality music for the fans:) s/o EMINEM!!!!!!!
The Shrink Wrap Technique
Ryan Gosling used a technique called the shrink wrap to achieve his dense and defined body for the Crazy Stupid Love movie. For a quick overview of this technique, click on the image below and take a look at the video number 3.
Here is the Ryan Gosling workout:
Day 1 and Day 4 - Chest, Arms
Incline Dumbbell Fly's: 3 sets of 8 reps
Weighted Dips: 3 sets of 12 reps
Weighted Pull-ups: 3 sets of 10 reps
Skull Crushers: 3 sets of 12 reps
Day 2 and Day 5 - Back, Shoulders
Weighted Chin-ups: 3 sets of 10 reps
Arnold Shoulder Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 10 reps
Bent-Over Barbell Row: 3 sets of 8 reps
Side Lateral Dumbbell Rises: 3 sets of 12 reps
Day 3 and Day 6 - HIIT Cardio and Abs
HIIT workout running outside (not the same as running on a treadmill): 30 seconds all-out sprint/ 90 seconds of walking continued for 20-25 minutes.
5 minutes of the Plank (with breaks).
Day 7 - Rest Day
The 6'2 Canadian hunk managed to benefit from this exercise and got down to 10 lbs for his role in the movie. The body fat percentage he had after that was around 10%, which is actually very impressive considering that he only had a very short time to get ready for his role in the movie and he had lack of fitness before it.
This is the routine Ryan Gosling used for his new movie Crazy, Stupid, Love. This is a pretty intense workout, so give it a try. Please, rate, comment, and subscribe, Thanks.
Laptops not love: 38% of men have surfed the web while in bed with their partner. Photograph: Getty Images
Almost all young men use the internet every day, and it is the technology they are most attached to, according to new study.
Research conducted by Sparkler for Microsoft Advertising across the UK found that 99% of young males go online either every day or nearly every day, and half of them already use their mobile phones to do so. And 80% even go so far as to say that they would be lost without it.
How does Miranda Kerr keep her skin bright and beautiful? The model explains to Vogue Australia's beauty Sigourney Cantelo her skin and body secrets - and reveals a surprise user of her Kora Organics skincare range. For more Vogue Australia videos visit
Let me introduce myself, Im Dr. Darwin Smith and Ive been married to my beloved wife for the past 4 years. It all started when I noticed tear droplets roll down my wifes face, just after our honeymoon! What in the world could be wrong, I asked myself. When I finally got the courage to approach my wife, she literally broke down in tears!
She asked me, Honey, do you think Im just too short?
Before I could answer, she continued, The whole world thinks that Im too short, so dont lie to me!
I was left speechless.
When she recovered, she told me that her ex-husband had divorced her, just because he told her that, she was too short, at 5'3"!! I could only stutter back in reply, that he was too immature for her...
She went on to tell me, Ive been called shorty all my life, and even my FRIENDS make jokes about my height, behind my back.
Cheering up a bit after I consoled her, she told me that during her college days, shed even been denied entry by the theatre staff from watching A rated movies because they thought, she was underage!
.....The vows that Id just taken, To be at my wifes side in times of hardship and sorrow, started to engulf my emotions. It was then, as I watched the Hawaiian sunset, I took a new vow, I would discover the secret to growing taller, regardless of the persons age.
It only took a few years of dedicated research and my then 26 year old wife, was able to increase her height from 5'3" to 5'6". Fast forwarding it to today, your probably asking yourself the same question that had left my wife speechless and puzzled, in just 6 weeks!
"HOW ?!?"
After all, the so-called experts have always told us that people only grow until the end of their teen age years. How then could he possibly increase his 28 year old wifes height by 3 inches?
Victoria's Secret Angel Doutzen Kroes and Supermodel trainer Michael Olajide will help you get your sexiest arms ever. This customized fitness routine features some of Olajide's best runway-readying moves, plus tried-and-true tips submitted by fans of the VSX Facebook page.