
ミランダ・カー の食事 筋トレ

Miranda Kerr
Her diet…
“As for diet, Miranda Kerr’s trainer encourages her to eat a lot of healthy carbohydrates and lean protein for breakfast – foods like old-fashioned oatmeal, egg whites, veggies, cottage cheese, muesli, yogurt and fruit. Then it’s salads and chicken or fish for lunch, and a combination of fish, turkey, vegetables and chicken for dinner.”


  1. ミランダのトレーナーは彼女にたくさんの健康的な炭水化物と脂肪分の少ないタンパク質を朝食に摂取することをすすめています。昔ながらのオートミール、卵の白身、野菜、コテージチーズムーズリ
  2. ヨーグルトとフルーツなどの食品。それから昼食にサラダ、チキンまたは魚。ターキーと魚、野菜とチキンを夕食に。

Her celebrity workout…
Miranda Kerr workouts of 3 to 4 times per week for 75 minutes at a time with trainer Justin Gelband. Kerr tells StyleList she keeps her exercise regime fairly consistent, explaining that it “always involves a mix of yoga, low-impact cardio, resistance and functional exercise, combined with high energy training such as boxing or running.”

“I love yoga,” Miranda also said. “I’ve been practicing it now for about 10 years and I love it!”




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