

Gisele Bundchen Bikini Gq Italy

How to be the Next Gisele Bundchen

14歳の時、遠足のランチタイムにハンバーガーを食べていたところで発見される。1999年にはVH1の「Model of the Year」に選ばれる。地元ブラジルではジゼル・ブームが沸く。ロサンゼルス、マンハッタン、ウッドストックにそれぞれ家を持つ。誰もが認める現代のスーパーモデル。



- Cardiovascular Training (4-5x/week)

- Yoga (2x/week)

- Pilates and Toning Bodyweight exercises (3x/week)

Cardiovascular Training

ジゼルはAnusara Yogaを週二回朝に行っている。このヨガは彼女の骨格、筋肉を最適なバランスに保つ。
Anusara Yoga

Gisele runs for 45 minutes to improve her endurance.

Gisele’s Pilates and Bodyweight exercise training routine are similar to circuit training and supersets. Each set comprises of all exercises done continuously, and is repeated for 3 sets of the following:

- High Knees: 1 minute

- Kneeling Rear Leg Raises Pilates: 15 times

- Side Planks with Leg Raises Pilates: 15 times

- Sumo Squats: 15 repetitions

- Pilates Teasers, Single Leg: 15 times on each side

- Pilates Teasers, Double Leg: 15 times

- Lunges with Rear Leg Raise: 15 reps on each leg

The Super Diet

Just like other supermodels, Gisele’s diet is the Portion Control diet. The Portion Control’s concept has three elements that would make it a well-balanced diet: First, she checks the quantity of the meals enough to keep her from depriving herself of foods she like. Second, her exercises require a lot of energy over the course of the week; therefore, carbohydrates are part of her diet. And lastly, she controls her weight by adjusting her exercise intensity as needed. You already know her workout routine, now we bring you her daily diet.

Breakfast: 2 slices of skimmed cheese, toasted bread and 1 fresh fruit (any fruit).

Mid-morning: 3 cookies, 1 slice of Turkey, and 1 fresh fruit.

Lunch: 2 chicken thighs, 1 cup of rice, some lettuce and fruits, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Snack: 2 slices of skimmed cheese, 1 cookie, and 1 fresh fruit.

Dinner: 1 fish fillet, salad with tomato, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and 1 fresh fruit.

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